Girls On Fire by Robin Wasserman

Girls on Fire is a YA contemporary novel about a Main Character Hannah Dexter "Dex" who begins to hang out with a new girl named Lacey. Lacey is your typical misfit, trouble maker.
Its 1991 and the star basketball player is found dead in the woods from an  apparent suicide.
The novel tells a story of an inseparable friendship between two girls, their secrets, and their faults.
I really enjoyed this novel. I identified with both girls in different ways, and I sympathized with them. I haven't read many books like this and I wish I had them when I was growing up. Lacey seems to have a manipulative "hold" over Hannah, who Lacey affectionately calls "Dex".
Hannah takes on the identity of "Dex" as her "alter ego" and enjoys the transformation from good girl Hannah into rebellious Dex. Dex wants to be everything that Lacey wants her to be (outgoing,  outspoken,  brave, etc...) She's always trying to impress Lacey. Sometimes I think Hannah loses her sense of self, but finds it again toward the end of the book. I feel like she ends up with a balance of both Hannah and Dex to define her personality by the end of the story.
Overall I gave this book 4 ⭐ on Godsends.


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