Just Finished and Currently Reading

I have just finished a book this morning and I didn't want to go back and throw it into my August wrap up post, so, here it is! Lady Killers: Deadly Women Throughout History by Tori Tefler This is a non fiction collection of stories about various female serial killers throughout history. The range from her in the USA to Egypt and Russia. Tori Tefler examines the myth that men are the only ones given the title of "Serial Killer", and that women are often times excused from their crimes because certainly women are "weak-minded" and they are only capable of "killings of passion". WRONG-O! The women in this book are sadistic, they are cold, they are deranged and they can do just as much damage (if not more) than their male counterparts. I gave this a 3/5 Stars because most of the stories involved some sort of use of their sexual prowess to lure these unsuspecting men into their lives, and then poisoning them and collecting their money. ...