Winter: A Time For Classics

I always feel like the Winter is the best times to read classics. They bring a warmth and an idea of simpler times. I love getting lost in classics and escape from the hustle and chaos of modern life. I like "textbook" classics as well as "modern" classics and I plan to read an assortment of each throughout the Winter months. The classics that I have read so far are: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens This book is on a lot of people's TBR during the Christmas season. It is the timeless tale of Ebenezer Scrooge. A stingy and selfish man who does not care for Christmas. His dead business partner, Jacob Marley, visits him in spirit form and warns Ebenezer to change his ways, for Marley is now a prisoner in the afterlife. He carries around chains (the burdens of his selfish ways during his life). He warns Scrooge that he will be visited by 3 spirits in the near future. The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present, and The Ghost of Christmas...